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Heartland Bank recognizes the trust you have placed in us to protect your personal and financial information. This is a promise we are committed to upholding to the best of our ability, as your security is our top priority.

We will never request your PIN, personal information, account information or any passwords via phone text or email. If you receive any communications requesting these items that is allegedly from Heartland Bank, or if you believe you are a victim of identity theft that involves a Heartland Bank account, please call 866-460-2800 as soon as possible.

Personal Account Protection

By offering a secure Online Banking system and fraud monitoring and assistance services like Identity Theft 911, Heartland Bank is working to keep your personal and financial information safe.

Business Account Protection

Putting fraud prevention strategies to use and combining them with innovative and secure fraud monitoring services, Heartland Bank is ensuring your business information and accounts stay out the hands of criminals.

Contact Us with Security Questions

If you have any questions related to account and information security at Heartland Bank please contact us.
